Al Qadarif

14.0435.38Koordinaten: 14 ° 2 ' N, 35 ° 23' O

Al - Qadarif (Arabic القضارف, DMG al - Qadarif ), also Gedaref, rare Gadaref, Qadarif; is the capital of the Sudanese state of al - Qadarif.


The city lies at 580 meters above sea level in the east of Sudan, about 350 km from Khartoum, on the road to Kassala. In the city branches from a road that leads over the Ethiopian border to Gonder.


Al- Qadarif has 363 906 inhabitants according to a calculation of 2010.

Population development:


The city of al - Qadarif was founded by Arab nomadic tribes as a marketplace where local tribes and other goods could replace. During the Ottoman rule the city administrative center and the seat of military associations was. The Mahdi maintained at the status of the city and used it as a base for further conquest of the surrounding areas.


The region around the city is one of the most fertile Sudan so that sesame, sorghum, groundnuts, gum arabic, and sunflowers are grown for both local consumption and for export. For agricultural production, no irrigation is necessary because due to the proximity of the Ethiopian Highlands sufficient precipitation falls. The mechanization of agriculture has been promoted since 1954, so that the high productivity, in addition to the good infrastructure attracts investors and the region is known as the breadbasket of Sudan.

The airport ( International code: HSE) has a flight path length of 1000 meters.


In the city is the University of al - Qadarif.


In addition to the central market, we recommend a visit to the large grain silos ( Sensomat al - ghilal ), which is located on the outskirts of the city and illustrates the strong agricultural character of the city.


Air table
