Albert Piette

Albert Piette ( born April 18, 1960 in Namur, Belgium) is an anthropologist and professor at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense in the Ethnology Department. He works on issues of observing the action, particularly in the field of religion and tries to describe in particular, details and daily running of the situations and analyze. In his project an existential anthropology he makes the minor character of reality to the essential element, not only to the anthropological difference to define, but also to the co- explain.

Since a few years, Albert Piettes goal from the ideas of Phänomenographie, Ontographie and ontology to rethink anthropology, as a specific discipline, science of a human, which is different from sociology and anthropology, with precise theo generic, thematic and methodological orientations. His anthropological world with an interdisciplinary and comparative sound intentions is populated with people, homo sapiens, Neanderthals, monkeys, gods and societies, faith, moments and development.

Albert Piette after there is the existential anthropology of it to examine the man by " exist", he perceives his existence as his own, and he knows that he will lose it. It takes into account in this sense, the micro continuity of a human who is experiencing the moments and the situations according to various modalities of presence and absence, of passivity and activity. He does not consider the existential anthropology as secondary. He deemed essential for anthropology, their future and their liberation against sociology.

In this sense, detailed observations of existences Albert Piette says that ethnography is less favorable than that Phänomenographie since the first works primarily on complexes (activities and groups), with the last focuses on individuals. As the word it illustrates, examines the Phänomenographie, on the one hand what appears (shapes, movements, and attitudes), and on the other hand, they tried as an empirical counterpoint of phenomenology to describe the states of mind and the feelings in the continuity of moments.


  • Les Jeux de la fête, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 1988.
  • Le Fashion mineur de la réalité. Paradoxes et photographies en anthropology, Louvain, Peeters, 1992.
  • Les Religiosités séculières, Paris, PUF, 1993.
  • Ethnography de l'action. L' observation of the détails, Paris, Métailié, 1996.
  • La religion de près. L' activité religieuse en train de se faire, Paris, Métailié, 1999.
  • Détails d' amour ou le lien par l' écriture, Paris, L' Harmattan, 2003.
  • Le Fait religieux. Une théorie de la religion ordinaire, Paris, Economica, 2003.
  • Le Temps du deuil, Paris, Ed de l'Atelier, 2005.
  • Petit traité d' anthropologie, Marchienne -au -Pont, Socrate promarex Editions, 2006.
  • L' être humain une question de détails, Marchienne -au -Pont, Socrate promarex Editions, 2007.
  • L' Acte d' exister. Une phénoménographie de la présence, Marchienne -au -Pont, Socrate promarex Editions, 2009.
  • Existential anthropology, Paris, Petra, 2009.
  • Propositions anthropologiques pour la refonder discipline, Paris, Petra, 2010.
  • Fondements à une anthropologie des Hommes, Paris, Éditions Hermann, 2011.
  • De l' s ontology, anthropology, Paris, Mount International, in 2012.
  • L' origine de la croyance, Paris, Berg International, 2013.
  • Contre le relationnisme. Lettre aux anthropologues, Lormont, Le Bord de l' eau, 2014.

There are more articles in journals and books published, which in part as downloads are available.
