Alburnoides bipunctatus

Schneider ( Alburnoides bipunctatus )

The Tailor ( Alburnoides bipunctatus ), also Aland Blecke or wide Blecke, is a schooling fish that is found in stagnant, but also in fast-flowing waters. He seems to prefer flowing rivers or streams quickly. Its body length is 10 to 12 inches, it will reach a maximum 16 centimeters.

It feeds on plankton and invertebrate benthic animals such as worms, small crustaceans and insect larvae. If the opportunity arises, but it will also eat small living land animals on staying near the water body.

The spawning season runs from May and July. During this time the cutter is brightly colored. Eggs are laid on gravelly ground in strongly flowing water.

The tailor is protected all year in some states because of its rarity.
