Alessandro Ferrero La Marmora

Alessandro La Marmora ( born March 27, 1799 in Turin, † June 7, 1855 in Crimea ) was an Italian general. He is considered the father of the Italian Bersaglieri.


Alessandro La Marmora was descended from the old Piedmontese noble family Ferrero della Marmora. His brother Alfonso La Marmora was also General and 1864-1866 Prime Minister of Italy. After his officer training at the Military Academy in Turin and first uses in the Grenadier Guards, he made several military -oriented study trips to France, England, Bavaria, Saxony, Tyrol and Switzerland. In 1831 he presented to the king of Sardinia - Piedmont before a study on the reorientation of infantry, in which he proposed the establishment of a new Jägertruppe. On June 18, 1836 on the orders of King Charles Albert this was set up under the name Bersaglieri.

Alessandro La Marmora took part in the 1848 Battle of Goito, 1855 as a division commander in the Crimean War, where he died on 7 June 1855 cholera.
