Alexander Forrest

Alexander Forrest (born 22 September 1849 in Picton, Western Australia, † June 20, 1901 in Perth ) was an Australian explorer and explorer and the brother of John Forrest, whom he accompanied on several of his trips.


After he had independently in 1871 had gone through the earlier of O'Grady Lefroy, Charles Hunt and his brother John Forrest explored the Kimberley region, he set out in 1879 to investigate the so-called Tasmanland in the north of Western Australia. He went from Kingsund the Fitzroy River, from which you previously knew only the mouth, followed him 400 km upstream and then turned northeastward until after terrible hardships the Katharine station of the South Australian overland telegraph line was reached. Belonging to Western Australia part of the investigated area by he found well watered and well suited to the production of tropical products, but particularly rich in pasture and the Fitzroy during the rainy season 300 km upstream navigable. This area, called by him Kimberleydistrikt was therefore quickly colonized by herdsmen. His journey described Forrest in his Journal of an expedition from the De Grey to Port Darwin in 1880.
