Alf Svensson

Alf Svensson ( born October 1, 1938 in Tidan, today Skövde Municipality ) is a Swedish politician. He was chairman of the party Kristdemokraterna and is currently a member of the European Parliament.

After a Master's degree in Swedish literature and history at the University of Lund Svenson worked as a research assistant at the university. Since 1970 he was chairman of the Christian Democratic youth organization and in 1973, he was elected chairman of the Swedish Christian Democrats. In the legislative session 1985/88 the first time he could move into the Reichstag by a place on the list of the Centre Party.

In the general election In 1991, the Christian Democrats, under his leadership, to take the four- percent barrier for the first time to collect under its own power in the Reichstag. At the same time, they participated in the bourgeois coalition government Carl Bildt. Svensson held the post of deputy foreign minister and assumed responsibility for development cooperation and human rights issues.

From 1993 to 1999 Svensson was deputy chairman of the European People's Party. In 2004 he retired from the presidency of the party Kristdemokraterna. His successor Göran Hägglund was elected. However, Svensson remained Reichstag member and candidate in the 2009 European election in 9th place of the list of the Christian Democrats. In the election, he received the largest share of the vote with 36.5 percent of those votes and was elected it. Since then he is working as an MEP in the EPP Group Deputy Head of the Delegation for relations with South Africa, Member of the Development Committee and substitute member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Svensson is married and has three children.
