Alfonso Brescia

Alfonso Brescia ( born January 6, 1930 in Rome, † June 6, 2001 in Rome ) was an Italian film director and screenwriter.


Brescia, son of producer Edoardo Brescia, first since 1956 worked as a screenwriter and co-director and was an integral staff by Mario Caiano. The mid-1960s he moved to the director's chair. He devoted himself entirely to the commercial cinema. Initially he made ​​several films sandals, he worked in the later years in any genre, often for spaghetti westerns and war films. Special awareness among exploitation fans gained its rotated on a low budget sci-fi films from 1977 to 1979, all in the wake of Star Wars. In the 1980s he moved to melodramas in the vicinity of Naples, before he finished his career with little exciting action movies. In some films he used the pseudonyms Al Bradley, Al Bradly or Albert B. Leonard.

Filmography (selection)


Only script
