Alfred A. Tomatis

Alfred A. Tomatis ( born January 1, 1920 in Nice, † December 25, 2001 in Carcassonne ) was a French physician who first practiced in Paris as ENT specialist before becoming an APP ( Audio-Psycho - Phonology ) Therapy and education center founded.

He developed the Audio-Psycho - Phonology (APP ), often also Tomatis Method, Tomatis therapy or Tomatis Hörkur, sometimes called Mozart therapy. These complementary medical application based on treatments with specially prepared music and voice, the simulation of prenatal listening experience with the help of appropriately modified mother's voice a central importance is attached to. The Tomatis Method is to promote the ability to listen and communicate and have many other positive effects on different areas of the brain. The method is designed to help a large number of behavioral problems, their causes according to Tomatis often are hearing or auditory perception disorders. A further development of the Tomatis Method is the systemic listening therapy.

The method of scientific medicine largely rejected because it is based on ideas, " the scientifically untenable " are.

Pictures of Alfred A. Tomatis
