Ali Lankoandé

Ali Lankoandé ( born November 10, 1930 in Tessaoua ) is a politician from Burkina Faso ( Upper Volta until 1984 ). Since 2005 he has been President of the party Social Democratic Party PDP / PS.

Lankoandés life, but also his political activities are shaped by their professional training and working as physicists, researchers and teachers. In the 1960s he was a founding member of the Syndicat National des teachers unions enseignants Africains de Haute- Volta and Syndicat Unique Voltaïque of enseignants du Secondaire. Later, from 1970 to 1974 and from 1978 to 1980 he sat in the National Assembly, the Burkinabe Parliament.

Lankoandé is one of the most important and most loyal political ally Joseph Ki- Zerbos, from which he also took over the presidency of his party in 2005.

In 2005 he stood as a candidate for the office of President for election, in which he reached the sixth place with 1.74% of the votes.
