Alicia Esteve Head

Tania Head (* supposedly 31 July 1973 ) was a co-founder and president of the World Trade Center Survivors ' Network. The end of September 2007, she had to leave the organization, as the credibility of their story of survival has been questioned on the occasion of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001.

Tania Head claimed that she was on the 78th floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Center, United Airlines Flight 175 flew as a flight just in her floor. You would therefore have been one of only 19 survivors of this and the floors above. She further alleged that her fiancé or husband Dave have worked in the North Tower and perished there.

Tania Head held many moving speeches about their alleged personal experiences of September 11 and was at the visitor center Ground Zero active.

In September 2007, the New York Times published an article that drew their credibility seriously in doubt. So said the members of Dave that they never heard of her or corresponding documents were found on the deceased. The company Merrill Lynch, for which they claimed to have worked at the World Trade Center, said that a Tania Head was not employed by them. They also claimed to have a degree from Harvard University, but was not confirmed by the University. According to a report by the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia and her name was false; they come from Barcelona and had the birth name Alicia Esteve Head.

In February 2008, met an email from a Spanish account in the mailboxes of the 500 members of the WTCSN one, is said to have committed suicide after the Tania Head.

Tania Head, however, was seen and filmed 14 September 2011 on a street in New York.


  • Impostor
  • Terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001
  • Born in the 20th century
  • Woman