
With the technical term Aljamiado [ alxam'jado ] philologists refer to such literature, their linguistic message is displayed in a writing system, which is foreign to this language. The Arabic etymon " عجمية / ʿ aǧamīya " of the Spanish adjective Aljamiado means foreign language in the sense of non- Arabic language. Aljamiadotexte (Spanish textos aljamiados ) are " linguistic monuments, in the Arabic consonantal script - but not in Arabic -. Written "

In the Hispanic is meant by Aljamiadoliteratur primarily literary testimonies of the Moors. Your literature is indeed linguistically Spanish, but scriptural Arabic, so the Latin Spanish foreign. And vice versa: the font after it is Arab linguistically but the Arabs alien. In addition, also handed down old Spanish Mozarabic texts from the Moorish al - Andalus, which are not written in Latin, but in the Hebrew alphabet.

The al -Andalusian Aljamiadoliteratur is for Romance of the utmost importance, because in this cryptic notation, the oldest complete texts Ibero- Romanic language forms have been preserved: the Mozarabic Hargas (Spanish jarchas ), the earliest evidence of poetry in Romansh ever.

For the etymology

The Castilian adjective Aljamiado and the Spanish noun aljamía derived from the Andalusian -Arab etymon عجمية / ʿ aǧamīya /, foreign language ', in the sense of non- Arabic language. Living in al - Andalus Moorish understood ʿ aǧamīya ( ' aljamía ') a particular foreign language, namely the Romanesque ( old Spanish ) vernacular of medieval Andalusia.

In today's Spanish the noun la aljamía is used in the feminine in the sense of escritura en Aljamiado, ie ' spelling Ibero- Roman texts with Arabic alphabet '. In masculine form el aljamía this noun refers to those historic Romanesque dialect, which was spoken in the Moorish al - Andalus until the Reconquista of the Christian population ( hablar el aljamía, ' Aljamía speak '). Most Romanists use for this historic Andalusian - Romanesque form of language introduced into linguistics by Ramón Menéndez Pidal name Mozarabic, Spanish mozárabe. Instead, Other Spanish philologists, especially Arabists, prefer the designation andalusí romance or just el aljamía.

Over the centuries, due to the cultural dominance of the Arab -Latin alphabet in al - Andalus came more and more into oblivion. The Mozarabic dialects were mostly written in Arabic or Hebrew letters, and are now down to us only in Aljamiado notation.

Aljamiadotexte as an object of interdisciplinary research

In the Iberian Peninsula co-existed in the Middle Ages three cultures, each with monotheistic religion, and each with its own alphabet: Roman Christians, Arab- Berber Muslims ( Moors ) and Jews. For more than eight centuries - from the Islamic conquest of the Iberian Peninsula ( from 711 Tariq ) to the flight and expulsion of Muslims, Jews (from 1492 Alhambra Decree ) and Moors ( 1609 Philip III. ) - Were Moorish al - Andalus three different writing systems in use culture-specific. , the Latin, the Arabic and the Hebrew alphabet The Islamic Moors used in a rule, the Arabic script, even if they wrote in one of the Romance vernaculars. Similarly, the Jews used the Hebrew alphabet not just when they wrote texts in Hebrew, but even if they fixed Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese or Arabic texts in writing. Therefore, a native of the Hispano Arab Aljamiado term is used in analogy to the Moorish Aljamiadoliteratur also to those Roman texts in Romance languages ​​, which are written in Hebrew letters.

A particular problem arises in the deciphering of Aljamiadotexten, i.e., at the Retranskription the Latin alphabet: in the Aljamiado notation missing namely the vocalization, the representation of the vowels; because both the Arabic and the Hebrew writing system are consonant writings. In consonants writings one can indeed represent vowels punctuated by diacritical characters, but absent in older texts such vowels mostly complete, so you have to guess the Roman- Latin vowels in reading and use yourself. Therefore, the study of Aljamiado manuscripts requires an interdisciplinary collaboration of Arabists, and Hebrew Romanists. For a critical and accurate edition of the manuscripts are essential skills in Arabic and Hebrew paleography.

Aljamiado Verses: Romanesque Hargas in Arabic and Hebrew Muwassahas as the earliest examples of Romanesque Folk Poetry

The oldest Aljamiadotexte, folk poetry from the 11th century. Were rediscovered until very late. 1948 witnessed the Romance Philology this great moment. The young Hebrew scholar Samuel Miklos Stern discovered, deciphered and published in an article in French twenty written in Hebrew Aljamiado - old Spanish spelling ( Mozarabic ) Hargas to which he had noticed in the study of Hebrew muwaššah manuscripts.

The Romanist and Almajiado researcher Reinhold Kontzi describes this in "Romania Cantat " as follows:

Samuel M. Stern was interested in the Arabic literature rarely encountered stanza poem genus muwaššah. So he found in the preface of muwaššah anthology of medieval Egyptian poet Ibn Sana al -Mulk (1155-1211), Dar at- tiraz, a poetics of muwaššah. Ibn Sana al -Mulk is it on the theory that the genus of the Moorish al - Andalus muwaššah was invented. In addition, the verse form was adopted by popular Roman songs. To give her poems a fiery local color, would the Arab poet from al - Andalus, the closing verses of the last verse, which Harga, in Andalusian - Arab and even in Roman dialect written ( Aljamiado notation), probably inspired by the folk songs Mozarabic Christians.

As SM star now met with the reading of medieval Hebrew Muwassahas mysteriously Hargas whose consonantal sequence in Hebrew revealed no sense, he remembered Ibn Sana al - Mulk anthology Dar at- tiraz in which of Hargas in non- Arabic speaking was, and it occurred to him that this might not be those old Spanish Jarcahs.

Using the example of his published Harga No. 16 can follow the deciphering .. The transliteration from the Hebrew consonants inscription into Latin alphabet gives an incomprehensible, puzzling consonant sequence. It is neither Hebrew nor Arabic dialect in which the hitherto known Hargas are sealed:

Samuel M. Stern tried to vocalize the consonant sequence and this old Spanish words appeared. In Memory of Ibn Sana al - Mulk thesis of Roman songs in oriental Jarchas he continued transcription, and succeeded to reconstruct the old Spanish texts:

Translated into today's Spanish:

To German:

On the discovery of Romanesque Aljamiado lyrics in Hebrew muwaššah manuscripts followed soon finds Romanesque Hargas in Arab muwaššah manuscripts. Published in 1988 Alan Jones a text- critical and paleographically exact output of more than 42 so far in Arab Muwassahas discovered Romanesque Hargas. So this Aljamiadotexte were forty years after its discovery the first time - to the public - by facsimiles of the original manuscripts in Arabic script. Letter for letter discussed possible interpretations, conjectures and emendations of each Harga.

This Romanesque Hargas remember motivlich to the popular old - Galician - Portuguese cantigas de amigo, where love girls sing the longing for her lover. Until the discovery of Ibero-Romance Jarchas from the al - Andalus of the 11th century the altokzitanische courtly and refined Trobadordichtung southern France was ( 12th century. ) As the oldest example of poetry in Romansh. Literature History This raises again the question of the origin of the Old Occitan Trobadordichtung and the Romance poetry at all.

However, this Aljamiadotexte are not only literary history but also etymologically for Romanists of utmost importance. The Mozarabic Hargas are the oldest completely surviving texts iberroromanischer language forms and thus provide the main text corpus of historical Mozarabic of al- Andalus.

Aljamiado manuscripts Mudejar and Morisco

If the text corpus of secured Mozarabic Aljamiado verses, the Hargas, relatively thin, the richer is the corpus of Aljamiadoliteratur from a later period, from the beginning of the Reconquista. The Muslims in the gradually reconquered by Spanish Christians areas, especially in Aragon, were conditionally exercise their Islamic religion and were Mudejar who tolerated called. Your continued use of the Arabic system of signs, even if they wrote Roman texts. The important preserved Aljamiado font from the Mudejar period is the Poema de Yuçuf ( 14th century. ) In old - Aragonese dialect (see the top right of annotated facsimile ). After completion of the Reconquista ( 1492) were allowed to remain in Spain Muslims only when they were converted to Christianity. From tolerated Mudéjar zwangskonvertierte Moriscos were now. Soon followed prohibitions Arabic to speak in public ( in Granada in 1526, in Aragón 1566). The Moriscos retained the Arabic alphabet, even if they wrote no more texts in Arabic. The corpus of Aljamiadoliteratur from moriskischer era is the most extensive. Most evidence comes from Aragon, where they were mostly made ​​during the demolition of old houses at random. Thus, for example, found in 1884 in Almonacid de la Sierra, the magazine of a remnant of the Moorish bookseller with numerous Aljamiado manuscripts, including crypto literature, that is kept secret underground literature, translations officially banned writings of Islamic religious content. Good condition are the Aljamiado manuscripts of the Mancebo de Arévalo, a Moors, who came in 1502 after Aragón. He is the author of spiritually -Islamic works such as compendio Breve de santa ley y suna, Tafçira, Sumario de la relación y ejercicio espiritual and a recently rediscovered by Luis F. Bernabé Pons de calendario Muslim, an Islamic lunar calendar.

The majority of the Moorish Aljamiadotexte is translation literature. The linguist and Arabist Galmés Álvaro de Fuentes organized in 1972 in Oviedo, an international colloquium on Moorish Aljamiadoliteratur. In the publication of the materials he classified the Moorish Aljamiado - Schrifftum as follows:

  • Islamic- religious crypto literature ( official texts forbidden; eg intercessions: Los siete alháicales )
  • Eschatological texts ( Estoria del día del juicio; Ascención de los Mahoma al cielos )
  • ( Already cited works of the Mancebo de Arévalo above) ascetic and mystical literature
  • Biblical legends (La leyenda de Ibrahim; Historia del sacrificio de Ismael )
  • Antichrisliche and anti-Jewish writings ( Disputa contra los Judíos y disputa contra cristianos )
  • Treatises on folk beliefs and superstitions ( Libro de dichos maravillosos )
  • Didactic prose (Los castigos de ' Ali )
  • Narrative Prose (La leyenda de la doncella Carcayona; Recontamiento del rey Alisandra; Libro de las batallas )
  • Lyric texts ( Almadha de alabança al Annabi Mahomad )
  • Travel literature ( Itinerary de España a Turquía )
  • Legal texts ( Leyes de moros )

Aljamiadotexte Jewish writer

Just as the Yiddish and the Spanish Jews in the rule is written in the Hebrew alphabet. The Sephardim lead this Jewish- Spanish Aljamiado tradition continues to this day.

Aljamiado - literature outside of Romania

There is written in Arabic alphabet Aljamiadotexte outside of Romania, such as in Serbo-Croatian, in Albanian ( Kalesi 1966/67 ), Greek ( Theodorisis 1974), Bjelosrussischen, Latin ( Hegyi 1979) and in Hungarian. Aljamiadoliteratur can also be found outside of Europe, such as in Africa and Asia:
