All'ombra di una colt

  • Stephen Forsyth: Steve Blaine
  • Anne Sherman: Susan Buchanan
  • Conrado San Martin: Duke Buchanan
  • Helga Liné: Fabienne
  • Franco Ressel: Harold Jackson
  • Gino Cassani: Jim

Pistoleros is an Italian- Spanish Spaghetti Western from the early phase of the genre, which was directed by Gianni Grimaldi and came into the West German cinemas on October 7, 1966.


The two snipers Steve and Duke take over defense contracts smaller cities against raids by bandits. Duke was severely wounded in such order; Steve breaks his promise to him and disappears with Dukes daughter Susan, with whom he settles in Providence. There he comes to the attention of bankers who want to have the city itself, as well as attention from Dukes friend who works in the saloon. In the showdown, Steve must therefore resist, but what he manages multiple enemies.


" An acceptable, but perfectly average movie with a decent score by Nico Fidenco "

" Second-rate. "

" An entertaining, hard early Western Comedy Director of Grimaldi "
