Allan Vainola

Allan Vainola until 1975 Allan Annus ( born March 11, 1965 in Tartu ) is an Estonian guitarist, singer and songwriter.


He was in the bands Ajutine Valitsus (guitarist and singer, 1980-1981, founding member ), Velikije Luki (guitarist; 1982-1983, founding member ), Terendus (guitarist; 1984-1985, founding member ) Ükskõik ( singer, 1988-1996, founding member ), Metro Luminal ( singer; 1988-1996, founding member ), Vennaskond (guitarist; since December 1990), Alumiinium, Sinu Sädelev Sõber ( singer and guitarist since 1994, founding member ), The Flowers Of Romance (guitarist; since April 1999), Sõpruse Puiestee ( singer and guitarist, and since 2002, a founding member ) and Kelder ( singer and guitarist, since 2007, founding member ) active. Among other Vainola wrote the music for well-known in Estonia songs like " Riia, mu arm " (Eng. " Riga, My Love" ), " Insener Garini Hüperboloid " (engl. " The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin ", after the Estonian title the utopian novel Mysterious rays of Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy ), " pill - Riin " (after a children's book by Ellen Niit ) and " 1905 ".

Can be found at the eponymous album title: In November 2006, an album on the songs of his acoustic trio Unenäopüüdjad ( Dreamcatcher German ) appeared. The acoustic guitar playing and singing was supported Allan Vainola by Jaak Lutsoja (accordion / Maracas ) and Tanel Liiberg (double bass / bass guitar).

In addition, Allan Vainola also wrote the music for the plays, " Ronja ", " Huck ", " Daamide Onn ", " Mort, surma õpilane " and " Mängija " (Eng. " player "). 2001 is a album with his theater music under the name " Teatriõhtu " (Eng. " Theatre Night " ) published. Vainola is married to the Estonian poet Marie Myrk.
