Allium triquetrum

Bell - leek (Allium triquetrum )

The bell - leek (Allium triquetrum ) is a species of the genus Allium (Allium ) and belongs to the subfamily of leek plants ( Allioideae ).


The bell - leek grows as a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching heights of growth of 10 to 50 centimeters. All leaves are basal, keeled and are up to 17 millimeters wide.

The three to 15 flowers are in a einseistwendigen, hanging scheindoldigen inflorescence on a sharp three-sided inflorescence stem with two- bract sheath. The white, bell-shaped bloom together tending have a green midrib and 10 to 18 millimeters long.

The flowering period extends from December to May


The bell - leek is widespread in the western Mediterranean region from the Iberian Peninsula to Italy, and in some areas in France.

As the site moist shady thickets and ditches are preferred.
