
The term allocentrically ( " centered in something else " ) referred to in the psychology of perception, the orientation or the absence of observations " in an objective (world) reference frame ". The contrast is self-centered or idiozentrisch.

Neurobiological it seems Cards ( " reference systems") to enter the brain, which are either " egocentric " or " allocentric ", so refer either to one's self or one's own body standpoint, or precisely fixed in an " outer " space are ( "objective reference systems").

In English, the term " allothetic " is used now and then.


When someone speaks in front of a crowd, while "left" says it is viewed from the listener set of "right", which often leads to confusion. Prevent professors from the wall panel (oriented to the audience ) this by turning against the blackboard and then "left" or speak "right" of. A reference system which is independent of the speaker would not let this problem arise. In rooms such as the phrase " to the door ", " towards the window ," outdoors the reference to the cardinal points.

Architects usually work in objective allocentric reference systems (CAD, architecture programs, etc.), whereas the users of an architecture these egocentric usually perceives, that is, from his own point of view and experiences on your own body.
