Alonzo Cano

Alonso Cano ( born March 19, 1601 Granada, † October 3, 1667 ) was a Spanish painter, sculptor and architect.

Cano was in the architecture of his father, in sculpture Juan Martinez Montanes and painting Francisco Pacheco ' student and had already done in 24 years in these three compartments Excellent, when he went as a result of a duel from Granada to Madrid, where he was appointed superintendent of all the royal buildings and court painter to king Philip IV appointed.

Being in a study of the suspicion fell on him for the murder of his wife, he fled to Valencia in a Carthusian Monastery and joined here in the holy orders. The loneliness soon tired, he returned to Madrid and stood in the court voluntarily, with the proud consolation saying: " Excellens in arte non debet mori ".

He was subjected to torture, of which one, however, out of respect for his talent precluded the right arm; but all tortures could blackmail him no confession. When the king of them received customer, he gave the artist his grace again and appointed him Racionero ( spiritual residents) of Granada. Here Cano founded a school of painting, lived in pattern exemplary piety.

Although Cano had never been to Italy, so he had yet formed by ancient patterns. In his paintings he shows a strict style, however, is not devoid of charm and grace. Most of his paintings has consistently religious Seville; In addition, several are in the Museo del Prado in Madrid and in the Berlin gallery.

Other works

The Dead Christ Supported by an Angel ( 1646-52 ); Oil on canvas; Muso del Prado in Madrid


The location of the paintings and collections related to the year 1889. These may be located somewhere else today.
