Alpine states

Alpine countries are countries that are partially or fully to the Alps. The terms state Alps and Alpine Riparian denote the corresponding states and are often used interchangeably. In another part of understanding in an Alpine country Alpine country or a relatively large part of its area to the Alps, at an Alpine state bordering a lower part of his face.

All eight Alpine countries have signed the so-called Alpine Convention. In these states there are a total of 6200 municipalities and about 100 NUTS3 regions in the Alps.

Country areas and alpine area

The statistical ranking varies depending on your perspective. A large country can have significant shares in the Alps, even though they occupy only a small portion of its surface. Again, a different picture emerges when looking at the population shares.

  • The lying in the Alps part of Austria, Switzerland and Slovenia concerned is more than 40 % of the country, in Austria half of the population lives in the Alps ( which is almost a third of all inhabitants of the Alps ), Slovenia third and in the Switzerland a quarter ( about one-eighth of the inhabitants of the Alps ).
  • The only Alpine country that lies entirely in the high Alps, the Principality of Liechtenstein. Although the Principality of Monaco is also entirely in the greater region of the Alps, but has no significant elevations. Both have the low state area barely proportion of area and population in the Alps.
  • Austria, Italy and France have significant shares in the Alps. The alpine parts of these countries together account for 77% of the alpine zone from three-quarters of the population of the Alps ( about 10 million) live in these three states. Unlike Austria, the Alps are in the two larger countries only a small proportion of the land area involved (Italy 17%, France 7 %).
  • The lowest proportion of the area and population of the state ( 3 and 2% respectively ), the Alpine regions of Germany.

For Hungary and Croatia: The Alps extend in the natural spatial- geological sense until about the Austrian eastern borders ( Sopron Mountains, Günser Bergland ), so that Hungary has around 20 km ², with part of the Alps. At the Alpine countries, it is not counted in general. The same goes for Croatia - in some, now obsolete applicable Alps subdivisions ( Partizione delle Alpi 1926) also Istria and the Karst be counted among the Alps.



  • Alpine area in km ²: Area of the state in the space of the Alps
  • Alpine area in%: proportion of the total area of ​​the Alps *
  • Alpine population: number of residents who live in the Alps **
  • Alpine population in%: proportion of the total population of the Alps *
  • Alps share of total state - surface: Proportion of the national territory, located in the Alps *
  • Alps share of total state - population: proportion of the population that lives in the Alps (this value is smaller than the Alps proportion by area, indicating the lower population density in the Alps)
  • Order N / S: order from north to south, respectively from the edge of the Alps
  • Order W / O: sequence from west to east, respectively from the edge of the Alps