Alto Horizonte

Alto Horizonte on the map of Brazil

Alto Horizonte is a Brazilian municipality in the state of Goiás in the mesoregion Northern Goiás and in the micro-region Porangatu. It is located northwest of the Brazilian capital Brasília and 341 km north of the capital, Goiânia.

The municipal area is also the village of São Sebastião.


Alto Horizonte borders the municipalities

  • In the north and east by Mara Rosa
  • On the southeast by Nova Iguaçu de Goiás
  • On the southwest by Pilar de Goiás
  • On the west by Campos Verdes

Is drained Alto Horizonte in the south to the west by the Rio dos Bois border river and its right tributary Rio Formiga to the northwest in the Rio Araguaia.


Economically significant is in Alto Horizonte mainly the industry. Agriculture and cattle breeding and the cultivation of rice, cassava and cereals. With a per capita income of R $ 102,799 is Alta horizons in the first place in the state of Goiás.
