
Aluminé is the capital of the department in the province of Neuquén in southwest Argentina. This community belongs in the classification of municipalities in the province of Neuquén to the municipalities of the second category.


The word comes from the Mapudungun language and Aluminé means mirror '.


The city was founded on 20 October 1915. Before the " Conquest of the Desert " dominated by the cacique Reuque Curá this area. The first " Western" settlement, the Fortin Paso de los Andes, was born in 1884.

Mapuche reserves

There are five different Indian reservations in Aluminé:

  • Aigo, on Rucachoroy Lake
  • Currumil, on Quillén Lake
  • Zalazar in Carrilil
  • Puel, La Angostura and Villa Pehuenia
  • Catalán, on Aluminé Lake


In this community attended by the Croatian linguist Juan Benigar, who was a leading scholar of the Mapuche culture. Today, the public library is the name of this linguist.


The main bustle of the municipality is tourism. The most important leisure activities include hiking, rafting, mountaineering and sports fishing.


In this Andean region the climate is temperate and humid.
