Alyeska Pipeline Service Company

The Alyeska Pipeline Service Company is the operator of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System ( TAPS).

1968 was found in Prudhoe Bay on the Beaufort Sea in the North Slope of Alaska oil. The consortium of oil companies, who wanted to lift the oil, decided to build a pipeline to transport crude oil from Prudhoe Bay oil field to Valdez, a city in the south of Alaska on the Gulf of Alaska with the northernmost ice-free port in the United States.

The Alyeska Pipeline Service Company was founded in 1970 with the mandate to plan the pipeline to build, operate and maintain, was founded. At the time of the construction of the pipeline at a cost of 8 billion U.S. dollars was the most expensive privately funded project in history.

The consortium consists of the operating companies BP Pipelines (Alaska) Inc. ( 46.93 %), ConocoPhillips Transportation Alaska, Inc. ( 28.29% ), ExxonMobil Pipeline Company ( 20.34% ), Unocal Pipeline Company (1.36 %) and Koch Alaska pipeline Company (3.08 %). The headquarters of the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company is located in Anchorage with extensions in Fairbanks and Valdez. The company employs about 800 people. (May 2008)
