Amana Colonies

The Amana Colonies ( to German Amanakolonien ) consist of several settlements in the U.S. state of Iowa. The Amana are a Christian community, which dates back to the pietistic movement of the Inspired in Germany.


The movement of the Inspired ( community of true inspiration) was created after the failed uprising of the French in the south of France camisards Cevennes. The camisards were French Protestant (Huguenot ), which fell due in part to the Waldenses. After the failure of the uprising, many of them were included in pietistic communities in southwest Germany. Here they came into contact with the radical Pietism. From Germany finally emigrated in the 19th century from a group of about 800 people to America. These settled in 1843 under the name Ebenezer Society ( Ebenezer Society ) in Buffalo, New York. In 1854 they went on to Iowa.

In the vicinity of Iowa City on Iowa River they founded under the name Amana several villages ( colonies) that exist today. The colonies were named after the mentioned in the Song of Solomon Hill Amana. By 1932, the community knew no private ownership. However, the Great Depression forced the abandonment of the community property. But today represent the villages of the Amana is a culturally distinct structure that is still strongly influenced by the Germans, even if preached in English since 1960. The Amanadeutsche based heavily on southern German dialects ( see also Pennsylvaniadeutsch ). Unlike the Amish, the Amana technical progress were always open. Nevertheless, find or found in the life of faith strong parallels between the pietistic Inspired and the Anabaptists such as the refusal of military service or of the oath. Friendly relations existed at the end of the 19th century, in particular to the Hutterites, who were supported financially by their immigration to the United States in 1878 by the Inspired the Amanadörfer. The Amana Church Society now known as the Church is partly known also as The Community of True Inspiration ( community of true inspiration).

The Amana operate to this day agriculture. They bred among others, the Amana Orange Tomato. Developed in the Amana Colonies Millstream Brewery is the oldest brewery in Iowa.

The colonies of Amana are listed as part of the U.S. National Historic Landmark since 1965.
