American green kingfisher

Green Fischer ( Chloroceryle americana)

The Green Fischer ( Chloroceryle ) comprise a genus of kingfishers ( alcedinidae ). Their representatives are native to tropical Central and South America, only the distribution area of the Green Fisherman ( Chloroceryle americana) extends north to southern Texas.


You have the typical shape of kingfishers with a short tail and a long beak. All species have a metallic green plumage on the upper side. At the bottom of both the two-color fishermen and Erzfischer are reddish in color. In the lower side white kingfishers and green fishing only the males have a red breast band.

The species vary in size; the weight ratio is pretty accurate: Erzfischer: Green Fischer: Two colors Fischer: Amazon Kingfisher = 1: 2: 4: 8

Due to their size difference are not competing species in the overlapping area of ​​their distribution areas.

Way of life

The Green Fischer breed on rivers in forests or mangroves. They nest in long, horizontal burrows dug in riverbanks. The diet consists of fish, which are caught by shock Diving and crustaceans. The Erzfischer also catch insects in flight.


The genus consists of four species:

  • Amazon Kingfisher ( Chloroceryle amazona )
  • Green Fischer ( Chloroceryle americana)
  • Two-color Fischer ( Chloroceryle inda )
  • Erzfischer ( Chloroceryle Aenea )