American Nurses Association

The American Nurses Association ( ANA) is a national American professional association, based in Silver Spring, which represents the interests of health and nurses and promotes the development of professional health and nursing and support. Has its origins based in the Silver Spring, Maryland Association in the professional organization founded in 1896 Nurses Associated Alumnae, which was renamed in 1911 to the American Nurses Association. The ANA represents the interests of around 3.1 million Registered Nurses ( RNs with academic training and a corresponding state licensing ) that are organized into 54 regional groups. In addition to several regular publications, including the association's journal The American Nurse, the professional association maintains three organizations

  • The American Academy of Nursing, which deals with both the development of nursing in research and teaching, as well as the healthcare aspects of care.
  • The American Nurses Foundation, which has a charitable and philanthropic goals.
  • The American Nurses Credentialing Center, which deals with the allocation and development of various specific area specialization diplomas and licensing

Pictures of American Nurses Association
