American studies

The American Studies, and American Studies or American Studies, English American studies is the academic discipline which deals with the literature, language and culture of the United States.

The American developed in the mid- 20th century as an independent discipline from the English Studies ( English Literature). At German universities, where American is offered to English and American Studies often under the umbrella of a common faculty, sometimes there are (for each of the two subjects) separate institutions that operate independently and offer joint courses only in the field of linguistics. The Canadian Studies (Canadian Studies, " Canadian Studies " ) is treated at many universities as a sub-discipline of American studies ( such as the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, FU Berlin), that is often offered as a subject in combination with American. Because of the close historical ties to the UK, however, result of overlap with the English language and literature. In fact, the Canadian Studies developed as regional studies less discipline from the American out to be from the Commonwealth Studies. Overlaps with the Latin American arise especially in relation to the Hispanics in the United States, approximately in the Chicano Studies.

As pioneers of American studies in Germany after the Second World War, Hans Galinsky, Hans -Joachim Lang and Ursula Brumm in the Federal Republic, Eberhard Brüning, Horst Ihde and Heinz Wüstenhagen apply in the GDR.
