Amyloid (mycology)

Disambiguation: Amyloidosis refers to the accumulation of abnormal proteins in the interstitium, ie outside the cells.

The Amyloidität denotes the dyeability of tissue structures using Iodreagenzien. The corresponding adjective is called amyloid. Is not dyeable a structure, they are called inamyloid.

The color reaction of amyloid structures is an important taxonomic distinction criterion especially in mycology. Are used as reagents: Lugol's solution ( a Iodiodkalium solution) and Melzer's reagent ( = Lugol's solution with chloral hydrate ). The color reactions go to blue to violet. In the case of Hemiamyloidität the blue response is obtained only after KOH treatment; without KOH calls Lugol's solution here a red to red-brown reaction produced, while the high chloral hydrate concentration suppressed this Rotreaktion in Melzer's reagent, thus suggesting Inamyloidität.

Stainable structures in fungi: spore, spores ornaments, Ascuswände (especially Apikalringe ), hyphae, the trama of the fruiting bodies etc.
