
A anasarca ( hydrops ana gr sarcastic ) is a non - inflammatory edema of the skin.

The liquid is usually incorporated into soft tissues, for example in the back or on the sides. Such edema often occurs in patients with right heart failure or an increased fluid intake with reduced urine output ( oliguria ) or absent urine output (anuria ) on.

Within the blood vessels there is a hypervolemia. Thus, the hydrostatic pressure increases in the vessel; oncotic pressure, which is opposed to the hydrostatic not. The result is an increased filtration pressure. It comes to the liquid overflow from the vessel into the surrounding tissue. The result is the aforementioned edema.

Occur not only in the soft tissue edema, but also particularly in the right heart failure in the stomach and the subsequent digestive organs, so that the absorption of drugs is disturbed; these then have to be given parenterally.

  • Disease in internal medicine