Anastasius Nordenholz

Anastasius North Wood ( born 1 February 1862 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, † September 21, 1953 in Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz ) was a German - Argentine social Darwinist private scholar and landowners.


North Wood, whose family originally came from Bremen, was the son of the Prussian Vice- Consul in Buenos Aires, Friedrich Wilhelm north wood, and spent the first sixteen years of his life in Argentina. In 1888 he came to study in Berlin, where he graduated from the high school and then law, economics and philosophy studied. In Berlin North Wood was a member of the anti-Semitic association of clubs German students. In 1892 he married in Berlin- Charlottenburg. He was appointed Dr. jur. doctorate, later worked as a lawyer in Jena and received the title of Senior Government.

Around the turn of the century North Wood dealt with questions of economic theory and the problem of knowledge. In 1902 he published his book The General Theory of social production. He was a friend, brother in law and financial supporter of Alfred Ploetz. North Wood 's sister Anita was Ploetz ' second wife. Together with Ploetz and Ludwig Plate he founded in 1904 in Jena the journal Archives of race and social biology, from 1923, the scientific journal of the German Society for Racial Hygiene. North Wood was co-editor and regular writer.

In 1905 he settled in Munich as a private scholar down.

After the First World War, the North Wood returned to Argentina, where he took over the large estate of his father ( Estancia La Germania ). According to Frank Nordhausen and Liane von Billerbeck his book was the inspiration for the name of Scientology, founded by L. Ron Hubbard teaching ( Scientology ).


  • General theory of societal production, 1902
  • World as individuation. Draft Individuationismus, 1927
  • Scientology. Science of the Constitution and Usefulness of Knowledge, 1934; Munich 1995, ISBN 3-9804724 -0-X