Anatis ocellata

Eye Ladybug ( Anatis ocellata )

The eye or eye spot Ladybird Ladybird ( Anatis ocellata ) is a beetle of the family of Ladybug ( Coccinellidae ). It is the only member of the genus Anatis in Central Europe.


The largest of eight to nine millimeters in length, Central European ladybug have a broad, slightly oval and arched body. Your body top is textured fine punctiform. Their coloration is highly variable. On their orange to red-colored wing covers can be seen every 10 black, yellow lined spots where sometimes the black core may be absent. The pronotum is black and has in front a bright yellow margin, which expires on both sides in an irregular bright yellow spot. Before tag ( scutellum ) sit two more pale yellow, small stains. The head is black and has between the compound eyes of two bright yellow spots. Their antennae are light brown, dyed her legs mostly dark brown, the tibiae and tarsi are somewhat brighter.


The animals arrive in Europe and Asia, except in the far north before, and have also been introduced in North America. They live in coniferous forests at low altitudes up to the tree line. They are often regionally to very often.

Way of life

The beetle feeds mainly on aphids on various conifers, especially of species of the families of Lachnidae, Adelgidae and tube aphids ( Aphididae ), but they also eat the larvae of sawflies and caterpillars of butterflies. The adults hibernate in groups in leaf litter or between bark crevices. They are found mostly on pines and then together with Vierfleckigen ball ladybugs.
