Andras Guttormsson

Andras Guttormsson or Andrew Guttormsen (* 1490, † 1544) was from 1531 to 1544 Løgmaður ( Lagmann ) of the Faroe Islands.

Andras Guttormsson probably comes from Norway and was son of the local Lagmanns Guttorm. He was appointed by the Danish- Norwegian King Frederick I to Lagmann of the Faroe Islands in December 1531 and had its headquarters in the yard Kálgarður in Sumba, in the far south of the islands.

One of historically undetectable according to tradition, to Andras sometime during his tenure have become delinquent, and his son Guttormur Andrasson should be driven to the king to Denmark, in order to achieve that his father could continue his Løgmaður.
