Andreas Dückstein

Andreas Dückstein ( born August 2, 1927 in Budapest) is an Austrian chess player.


Andreas Dückstein lived for 22 years in Budapest. He was initially gym teacher, but later earned a doctorate in law.

He won three times Austrian State Championship (1954, 1956 and 1977 ), but remained despite his success throughout his life an amateur. In 1956, his FIDE awarded the title of International Master. He participated in a total of eight Chess Olympiads in the years 1956-1976 for Austria. He won individual matches against Euwe, Botvinnik and Spassky, but failed to win a major international tournaments. As a senior, he achieved a third place in the World Chess Championship of seniors in 1991 in Bad Woerishofen, Vasily Smyslov won.

Dückstein published in 1979 the book master of rook endings ( 1890-1914 ) ( Vienna Chess Verlag, Vienna, 1979). His Elo rating is 2190 (as of March 2014), the highest ever in 2430, in 1975 after historical Elo rating, he was in January 1957 at number 56 in the world rankings. .

Tournament successes

  • Amsterdam IBM 1964 Tournament: 3rd Place
  • Birseck 1971: 3rd - 4th space