Andrews Space

Andrews Space is a small aerospace company, which has its headquarters in Seattle, Washington. The company was founded in 1996 to develop space systems. Andrews offers Space Service for Military, Civil and Commercial customers.

Current Projects

  • Kistler K-1 - a fully reusable launch vehicle
  • Generate Beabsichtig liquid oxygen in the air from the atmosphere to him to use as fuel - Air Collection and Enrichment System ( ACES )
  • Gryphon RLV vehicle - horizontal launch, horizontal landing ( HTHL ) spacecraft
  • MicroX, microsatellite
  • NASA Cislunar Flight Experiment
  • Andrews Cargo Module - Unmanned cargo logistics system and candidate for the NASA COTS

Future projects

Andrews Space has been selected as one of six finalists for Commercial Orbital Transportation Services NASA ( COTS ) program, even though they received no funding. In November 2010 Andrews Space has been selected by NASA for consideration for potential awards for heavy lift launch vehicle system concepts, propulsion technologies.
