Andrzej Bachleda (born 1975)

Andrzej Bachleda - Curuś ( born September 1, 1975 in Zakopane ) is a former Polish ski racer.

Bachleda - Curuś was born as the son of Polish skiing legend Andrzej Bachleda - Curuś. The skiing he learned at the age of six from his father in the Tatras. He later received professional skiing in France. Already as a teenager he won several French Junior Champion title. In 1994 he became a member of the Polish national ski team and followed his father's footsteps in the slalom.

At its successes, however, he never was able to continue. Bachleda - Curuś was three times Polish champion (1999 and 2000 in the slalom, giant slalom, 1999 ). He also participated twice at the Olympic Winter Games 1998 in Nagano and 2002 Salt Lake City. The greatest success of his career, he celebrated in Nagano with 5th place in the combination. Four years later he was again in tenth in the slalom.

In spring 2004, Bachleda - Curuś ended his career as an athlete and devoted himself to his training as a musician.
