Andy Müller-Maguhn

Andy Mueller Maguhn ( born October 3, 1971) is since 1986 member of the Chaos Computer Club ( CCC) and was from 1990 to 2003 one of the speakers of the club.

With the General Assembly in January 2009, he was - after two years break - again a member of the CCC Board, until his deselection 5 February 2012, at an extraordinary general meeting due to the attempted exclusion of Daniel Domscheit-Berg. Since the election in the fall of 2000 he was elected one of the honorary directors of ICANN and along with 18 other directors for a period of two years for the worldwide development of guidelines and the decision of structural questions about the structure of the Internet responsible. From June 2002 to 2004 or 2005, he acted as an honorary board member of the European Digital Rights, which works to the umbrella organization of European NGOs for the implementation of human rights in the digital age.

The term " data travel agency ", he runs since the middle of 2002 in Berlin, an office building, next to the Chaos Computer Club also includes workshop rooms and archives, and is currently trying with the design of training courses and workshops, a wide variety of experience, particularly in the area of privacy and data security available to make.


  • Jacob Appelbaum, Julian Assange, Andy Müller- Maguhn, Jérémie Zimmermann: Cypher Punks. Freedom and the Future of the Internet. OR Books, New York 2012, ISBN 978-1-939293-00-8.