Angewandte Chemie

Angewandte Chemie and Angewandte Chemie International Edition, usually with Angew. Chem or Angew. Chem Int. Ed. abbreviated, is a weekly peer -reviewed scientific journal, published since 1887.

The Applied, as the magazine in professional circles is usually called, is a publication of the German Chemical Society and is published by Wiley -VCH Verlag. The articles published in the journal articles cover the entire field of chemistry. In addition to scientific articles ( letters ) are, among others still News, Highlights, essays, articles and book reviews in the journal included.

The Impact Factor was in 2012 at 13.734. According to the statistics of the ISI Web of Knowledge, the Journal Impact Factor in this category multidisciplinary chemistry is performed at the seventh position of 152 journals.

Chief Editor of Angewandte Peter Gölitz. For the further development of German as a language of science, the editorial was also awarded the German language institutions price 2007.

The cost of an annual subscription are for libraries in Europe at Euro 6508 for printed or electronic output. A combined subscription of both editions fails with 7485 Euros to the price (as of 2013).

Editions and languages ​​of publication

Angewandte Chemie includes a concordance to the international edition and vice versa.
