Anne Morelli

Anne Morelli ( born February 14, 1948) is a Belgian historian with Italian roots.


At the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB ) in Brussels Morelli teaches, among other historical criticism, history of religion and history didactics. She is also Director of the Centre d' étude des religions interdisciplinaire et de la laïcité (Interdisciplinary Centre of religion and Laizismusstudien ).

Anne Morelli regularly publishes French-language works, including Les grands mythes de l' histoire de Belgique ( Great Myths of the history of Belgium ), L' Histoire des étrangers et de l' immigration en Belgique ( The history of foreigners and immigration in Belgium) and Lettre ouverte à la sect of adversaires of sectes ( Open letter to the sect of cultists ). In German is her book " The Principles of War Propaganda " ( Principes de élémentaires propagande de guerre ) available.
