Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of the Roman Catholic, Old Catholic and the Orthodox Church and the Christian Community. Evangelical Free Church communities practice the anointing of the sick as " Oldest service according to James 5 ". Also, Lutheran, Reformed and United churches in some cases provide for the spiritual welfare again an anointing before, but this is not a sacrament.

  • 3.1 Matter Anointing of the Sick
  • 3.2 The anointing of the sick as an act

Anointing of the Sick in the Roman Catholic Church

Anointing of the Sick is (like all sacramental anointings ) a means of strengthening and encouragement. You are in serious illness share of the Holy Spirit and the Cross of Christ ( cf. (James 5:14-15 EU). Anointing of the sick is to be received after confession. Subsequent to the anointing of the Holy Communion is possible depending on the health of the receiving.

Popular Anointing of the Sick was also called last rites, as they used to be officially called. However, the more accurate term that also uses the constitution of the Second Vatican Council on the Church's liturgy, " Sacrosanctum Concilium " (No. 73), Anointing of the Sick. In this sense, the Council has decided to renew the rite and the interpretation of this sacrament. With the Apostolic Constitution " Sacram Unctionem Infirmorum " issued by Pope Paul VI. November 30, 1972, the approval for renewed form of the Anointing of the Sick.

Anointing of the Sick is intended for people "who are due to illness or old age in a threatening affected state of health "; the sacrament can be received repeated if the patient was in the meantime regained her strength or deterioration occurs in continuation of the same disease.

Sacramental action and form

To anoint the forehead and hands of the patient, in an emergency, another, more suitable position of the body satisfies the anointing of the forehead or, if this is not possible due to special circumstances. For the anointing of the sick oil the priest says: "Through this holy anointing you the Lord will help in his rich mercy, he'll stand by with the power of the Holy Spirit: The Lord who frees you from sin save you, judge in his grace it to you. "

After the extraordinary usage ( Liturgy of 1962) the anointing of the senses is provided: to be anointed the sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, feet ) with the oil, or - if this is not possible - the forehead. The priest speaks in Latin, the words " Through this holy anointing and his most gentle mercy leave you the Lord according to what you have sinned through seeing (hearing, smell, taste and Talking, Touching, walking). Amen "; in anointing the forehead, this formula is modified " ... whatever you have sinned ."

Matter of the Anointing of the Sick

In the anointing of the sick is not chrism, but sick oil ( consecrated olive oil, in an emergency other vegetable oil ) used. This sickness oil (Latin oleum infirmorum ) is dedicated each year in the Chrism Mass on the morning of Holy Thursday, or on an earlier day easter near the bishop and concelebrated by his presbyterate and then distributed to the parishes of the diocese. There it is, solemnly carried into along with the other saints oils at the beginning of the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday or at another appropriate time in the church and will be declared annually anew its importance to the community. Both the Chrism Mass and the sacred oils themselves are sacramentals.

The bishop may consecrate the sick oil in each headed by him celebration of the Anointing of the Sick. In emergency may at any priest who performs the anointing of the sick, the dedication of the sick oil within this celebration.

Donor Anointing of the Sick

The sacrament is donated by the competent minister. Can the permission of the local bishop to be accepted, it may also donate other priests. In an emergency, must not, and should this sacrament every priest donate. In the Code of Canon Law states: " The anointing of the sick donates valid every priest, and only he. " It is important for the realization of the sacrament is the letter of intent ( "intention " ) of the dispenser to want to administer the sacrament.

Versehgang and last rites

If the anointing of the sick dying donated, then the invalid, insofar as it is in each case this still able, even with the sacraments of Penance (before the anointing of the sick ) and the donated as provision Communion (after the anointing of the sick ) provided (hence the name " Versehgang "). If the patient is no longer able to receive Communion under the species of bread, it can be handed to him under the form of wine. According to the Pope granted full power of the priests also donates the apostolic blessing associated with perfect drainage. If not received Confirmation of the dying, the priest can also donate this sacrament to him. We speak in these cases of the last sacraments.

In previous years, went to rural areas in such Versehgang the priest accompanied by an altar in choir dress to the house of the patient, the altar boy was wearing a light and a small clamp to make Responsive to the presence of the Blessed attention. Today, the priest often comes alone in the house, but at the administration of the Anointing of the Sick should, wherever possible, a small community gather. In the house of the patient should, if possible, a covered with a white cloth table for the holy oils, candles and a bowl of holy water are provided with Aspergillum or one branch to the sprinkling of holy water. To this end was often in the families a so-called Versehgarnitur with the necessary equipment items available.

The Christian Community

The Christian community practiced the " anointing " exclusively as death sacrament.

Anointing of the Sick in practice evangelical free churches

In proclaiming and teaching the Anointing of the Sick is offered as a symbolic act for the healing action of Jesus Christ of the believing community. It is important for the implementation of the anointing of the sick, that the patient according to biblical instruction then demanded and the elders of the church can be called to him: "Is any among you sick, let him call for the elders of the congregation, that they may pray for him and him in name of the Lord anoint with oil. " ( epistle of James 5:14). An exception to this rule is made when parents call the elders to their ill child. However, an anointing already deceased does not take place.

Donor anointing of the sick are in evangelical free churches, the elders of the church. The church pastor is present as a fellow elder usually at a anointing of the sick, but his involvement is not necessarily required. Since the New Testament passages that deal with the Oldest service, always start from a Board of Elders, will also be present at the anointing of the sick, if possible at least two community elders.

Matter of the Anointing of the Sick

For a Free Church Unction plain vegetable oil is used, anointed with the the head of the sick (Psalm 23:5), sometimes the diseased area of ​​the body. The used oil requires no special previous ordination. However, it can be fragrant anointing oil.

Anointing of the Sick as action

A prescribed liturgy is not here. In general, however, the Anointing of the Sick has the following course: It opens with a prayer and scripture reading ( Epistle of James 5:14-16 ). Thereafter, the patient reported to ask the elders of his illness and its course. The elders and the sick confess their guilt each other ( Epistle of James 5:16) and speak to each other in the name of Jesus forgiveness. Then the patient is anointed with oil in the name of Jesus. The elders lay hands on him then and pray for his recovery. The Psalm 23 and / or the Lord's Prayer and a blessing word decide the anointing of the sick.

Anointing of the Sick in Orthodoxy

In the Orthodox community also ordained deacons may perform the anointing of the sick since 2004.
