
39.57069444444426.789305555556Koordinaten: 39 ° 34 'N, 26 ° 47'

Antandros (Greek Ἄμτανδρος ) was an ancient Greek city in Asia Minor Troad in Turkey today. The city was two kilometers east of the present town Altınoluk on a comprehensive account of the terrain topography only a few hectares of built-up area on the coast of the Bay of Adramyttion and was settled by Äoliern.

Antandros was one of the cities that were already in the time of the Trojan War is important. Under Darius I Antandros belonged to the Persian Empire, and later temporarily Attic for Delian League. During the Peloponnesian War changed several times dominion over Antandros. Contemporary sources report the high flowering of the art of shipbuilding in this city, the shipyard supplied accordingly all Greek maritime cities with high-quality ships and preserved for economic reasons, a strict policy of neutrality, ships were often hostile Greek cities next to each other in the shipyard at Kiel.

In Roman times the city was part of the province of Asia and coined by the late first (Titus ) to the early 3rd century AD ( Elagabalus ) - as early as the 4th century BC - own coins.

Probably as a result of earthquake, the city was abandoned in the Byzantine period and used by the surrounding communities as a quarry, there remained no visible buildings in the grounds. The late ancient bishopric of the city shall continue as titular Antandrus the Roman Catholic Church.

The archaeological investigation of the city's history focused since the 1950s, first on the uncovering of tombs. The close to the outskirts of AltInoluk discovered the expansion of the coastal highway Canakkale Edremit sites ( necropolis ) were 1989-1995 researched and led by 2000 a regional group of historians, artists and students to form an association, which explores the historical heritage of the city Antandros. Already in 2001, 19 Roman villas have been discovered in the course of examination with latest methods and equipment Geländeprospektion in the urban landscape and at a first excavation a surface area of ​​1,100 m² was examined; this could also be a mosaic floor are exposed.
