Antoinette Quinche

Antoinette Quinche (* February 25, 1896 in Diesse, † May 13, 1979 in Lausanne) was a Swiss women's rights activist and politician (FDP).


Quinche attended a grammar school in Lausanne and graduated in 1923 at the University of Lausanne a law degree. She was the first independent attorney practicing in the canton of Vaud. From 1932 to 1935 she was president of the Swiss Association of academics and 1932-1959 of the Association pour le suffrage féminin vaudoise. From 1928 she was the Corporate Executive Committee and from 1945 to 1951 Vice-President of the Swiss Association for women's suffrage.

From 1937 to 1952, president of the laws Quinche studies and Insurance Commission of the Federal Switzerland. She was a member of the Swiss Expert Commission for the Revision of the Civil Rights Act, founder of the FDP group of women Lausanne and a member of the cantonal party line.

1952 demanded Quinche together with other entry in the register of electors of their community and their voting card. The municipalities refused whereupon Quinche went to the Federal Court to demand their rights. The BG Lausanne dismissed the action on the grounds that the tradition weigh higher than the constitutionally guaranteed equality before the law. " Le Tribunal fédéral de plus que l' introduction Considère you suffrage féminin reviendrait à modifier un régime juridique profondément enraciné et qu ' elle ne pourrait dès lors avoir lieu que par une révision de la constitution et non par la simple voie de l' interprétation. " ( the Federal Supreme Court also noted that the introduction of women's suffrage would change a deeply rooted legal order, and that they therefore only by a constitutional amendment and not by the simple matter of interpretation is possible. )
