António de Serpa Pimentel

António de Serpa Pimentel ( born November 20, 1825 Coimbra, † March 2, 1900 in Lisbon ) was a Portuguese politician from the time of the Portuguese monarchy. He was leader of the party regeneration and 1890 Prime Minister of Portugal.


Serpa Pimentel studied mathematics at the University of Coimbra, later he joined the Portuguese army, where he earned the rank of captain. Lisbon in 1887 was the former Prime Minister and leader of the party regeneration, António Maria de Fontes Pereira de Melo, died unexpectedly during the election campaign. Serpa Pimentel succeeded him as leader of the party regeneration, which was at that time just in opposition. In 1890 he was appointed by King Charles I to the Prime Minister.

Portugal was involved at this time, especially in a fateful confrontation with Great Britain by the Portuguese colonial territories in Africa. Portugal controlled then only the coastal areas of its two large colonies Portuguese East and West Africa (present-day Mozambique and Angola) really, but not the hinterland. The country was now pursuing the plan so far extend the colonies in the hinterland, that the two areas would touch so as to create a coherent, large Portuguese colonial empire in Africa. This plan clashed with British ideas who wanted to South Africa also connect their colonies from Egypt. The British introduced the Portuguese an ultimatum, given the realities of power politics of the Portuguese government had no choice but to accept the ultimatum to give up the expansion of the colonial empire so. The plan to create a great colonial empire in Africa, had taken care of in Portugal for nationalist enthusiasm, according to the great disappointment among the people, as he had to be abandoned. The Government of Serpa Pimentel rushed over after less than a year.

Serpa Pimentel was opposition leader. 1893 offered him the king again to form a government on what Serpa Pimentel but declined due to illness. He proposed instead his party colleague Ernesto Hintze Ribeiro Rodolfo before, this was prime minister and followed Serpa Pimentel after his death in 1900 as leader of the party after regeneration.

Serpa Pimentel was married and had a daughter.

See also: History of Portugal, Chronology Portugal

  • Prime Minister (Portugal )
  • Portuguese
  • Birth 1825
  • Died 1900
  • Person (Coimbra )
  • Man

Pictures of António de Serpa Pimentel
