Anville (crater)


Anville is a relatively small, single impact crater situated in the northern part of the Mare Fecunditatis. The closest structures are conspicuous at some distance southwest of the crater Messier and, still farther to the southeast, south of the lunar equator, the elevation of the Dorsa Geikie with the crater behind it Lindbergh. In the northwest of the crater Taruntius located on the edge of the Mare.

The circular, cup-shaped crater has a sharp edge of the crater and has only minor signs of wear due to erosion. In the eastern area of ​​the crater inner wall is smaller slope slides can be recognized.

Anville was performed despite the considerable distance as a satellite crater of Taruntius called ' Taruntius G' before it by the International Astronomical Union ( IAU) got his own name in 1976.
