Apache ServiceMix

Apache ServiceMix is a flexible open source container that contains an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB ) and SOA Suite. It supports the Java Business Integration standard ( JBI ) and JSR 208 and includes the features and functionality of Apache ActiveMQ, Camel, CXF, ODE, and Karaf.

The new version of ServiceMix 4 fully supports OSGi. As used Apache Felix OSGi implementation. The suite consists of two main components, the ServiceMix kernel 1.1.0 ( an OSGi runtime ) and the ServiceMix NMR 1.0.0 ( an OSGi based NMR Bus and JBI container).

JBI components

Apache ServiceMix provides an on JBI standard -based service container dar. This service container allows to implement JBI components in the form of plugins into the container, which thereby a Normalized Message Router (NMR ) can exchange information. The different components JBI are independent and communicate through the NMR.

Apache ServiceMix distinguishes between two different types of JBI components: Binding Components (BC) and Service Engines (SE).

Binding Component

The Binding Component (BC ) fulfills two tasks, establish communication via a remote protocol and normalize incoming and outgoing messages and to de-normalize. A Binding Component thus serves as a connection point of an ESB or NMR with the outside world.

Service Engine

The service engine (SE ) provides logical processes in ESB ready. If a message is outside the ESB to be shipped, the SE component must submit to a BC component, whereby an exact interface between the ESB and other systems outside the ESB defines the message first.
