Apostolic Dataria

The Apostolic Datarie (Latin Dataria apostolica ) was an official of the Roman Curia, which was responsible in particular for church stuff grace, dispensing, and similar matters, but could also occupy smaller benefice.


The name of the Apostolic Datarie originated from the custom of papal acts, the phrase date by manus to add.



First, the Apostolic Datarie formed in the Middle Ages as a department of the Apostolic Chancellery out with the task to date papal pardons and certificates. After separation of the two offices the Datarie for acceptance and examination of petitions and the granting of grace was responsible. When autonomous Office it is first mentioned during the pontificate of Pope Martin V.. The Datarie standing in front of a curia prelate, who bore the title of Datar and was elected from members of the Apostolic office.

Structural reform in the 16th century

By Pope Sixtus V. the Apostolic Datarie was restructured and received more competences. She was now responsible for the awarding of benefices, unless they come within the jurisdiction of the consistory, or unless there was a legal entitlement to this. The Datarie granted the dispensing, do not fall within the remit of the Apostolic Penitentiary. Moreover, they could grant pensions and prove the benefices and other ecclesiastical goods subject to conditions.

17th Century

Since the 17th century the head of the Apostolic Datarie was usually a cardinal of the title of Pro- Datar was in this capacity. This fact shows the importance that had already attained this Curia authority at this time and is underlined by the better known name of Datars as Papae oculus ( " eye of the Pope" ) and the introduction of the Office of Unterdatars. This represented the pro- Datar in his absence, and supported him in the management of the Authority. In addition, there was a large number of other officials.

The Dataria apostolica was in 1967 by Pope Paul VI. abolished with the Apostolic Constitution Regimini ecclesiae universae.
