Arabian Mau

  • Not recognized by the CFA
  • Not recognized by TICA
  • Standard WCF
  • Not recognized at the GCCF
  • Not recognized in the WACC

The Arabian Mau is a cat breed that has been officially recognized by the World Cat Federation (WCF ) as a breed until 2009; it is one of the wild races. Known for a long time, it was rediscovered by breeders in recent times and grown as a family pet. Not to be confused is the race with the Egyptian Mau. The fur of the adult animals is strong and very soft and not silky.


The Arabian Mau comes from the Arabian Peninsula and lived there as a wild cat for over 1000 years in the desert, so it is not surprising that the Arab Mau is so resilient. It was rarely used in their home countries as a pet, as from abroad imported breeds were popular.


Exterior Features

The medium-sized cat has a large upper body, which can not appear too slim the whole cat. She is very muscular and long-legged. The legs are long and oval paws. The head seems to be round, but is slightly longer than wide, with prominent whisker pads. The profile is normal, but with a pronounced chin. The tail is medium long, it is diluted to the tip of the tail. The coat is short, without undercoat and lies close to the body. In adult cats, the quality of the coat should not be too silky, it should feel firm. In young animals silky fur is possible.


The Arabian Mau is described despite their descent from a wild cat, a very calm and composed, even when dealing with people. Because of this very indifferent being some breeders of the new race predict good future prospects.
