
Arculf ( late 7th century) was a Frankish bishop claims to the 7th century. The report on his pilgrimage to the Holy Land is an important historical source on the Middle East shortly after the Islamic conquest.

In some of the secondary literature is argued that Arculf was the bishop of Perigueux; mostly, however, believed that he belonged to the Holy Land a monastery before his ride. According to the Venerable Bede Arculf aground 670-690 after his return from Jerusalem and Palestine on the Scottish coast and was kindly received by the Irish abbot of Iona, Adamnan. The Arculfs report on the trip - De Sanctis locis - Adamnan laid down in three detailed books that dealt with Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Konstantin Opel. 698 was a copy of these to Aldfrith, king of Northumbria (first printing of De Sanctis locis Ingolstadt 1619).
