Argocoffeopsis lemblinii

Argocoffeopsis lemblinii (synonyms: Randia lemblini, Argocoffea lemblini, Coffea lemblini ) is an extinct relative of the coffee from the family of Rubiaceae. He is known only from the holotype, the French botanist Auguste Jean Baptiste Chevalier collected in January 1907 in the valley of Agnéby in the West African nation of Ivory Coast. In future searches taxon has not been detected. Argocoffeopsis lemblinii was a much -branched shrub, which reached a height of 50 centimeters. The flowers were white, the small ball-like fruits. Its habitat were forests.


In the first description in 1920 Auguste Chevalier used the name Coffea lemblini nudum as a noun. In 1938 the species was classified in the genus Randia. 1958 wrote Ronald William John Keay complement Chevaliers description and the taxon was again given the name Coffea lemblinii. 1963 there was a transfer of the species in the genus Argocoffea by Jean -François Leroy. After a revision by Elmar Robbrecht in 1981, the plant now bears the scientific name Argocoffeopsis lemblinii.
