
Aronia × prunifolia, hybrids of A. arbutifolia and A. melanocarpa

The chokeberry (Aronia ) are a genus with about three to nine species belonging to the subtribe pome fruit crops ( Pyrinae ) in the rose family ( Rosaceae ). Most common are the two types Aronia Aronia melanocarpa arbutifolia and they are called Woolly apple berry or black chokeberry. They are originally from eastern North America. The fruits are apple fruits. The shrub is less susceptible to plant diseases.

The fruit structural use began in the early 20th century by the Russian biologist and fruit growers Ivan Mitschurin who should have the Aronia 1910 crossed with other fruits such as rowan and loquats or at least refined.

The pea-sized, black, often waxy coated fruits that can be harvested from mid-August to October, the taste sweet and sour and tart, blueberry similar. The berries are either dried ( like raisins ) used or consumed by Dampfentsaften as juice.

Due to the high flavonoid, folic acid, vitamin K and vitamin C content (s ) counts the Aronia in Poland and Russia to the medicinal plants. In vitro it was shown that by Aronia berry extract melanocarpa the oxidative stress caused by surgery, or in different phases of the chemotherapy significantly reduced in patients with invasive breast cancer due to its antioxidant effect. Because of its strong red color ( anthocyanins ) it is used also as a substitute for food coloring (especially cochineal red A).


Aronia species are deciduous shrubs with sharp, striking wine-red winter buds. The simple leaves are elliptic to obovate, 2-8 cm long, usually short acuminate, cut finely crenate, upper side. Onto the midrib with black red hair with bright red in autumn

In schirmrispigen inflorescences are ten to twenty flowers together. The hermaphrodite, radial symmetry, five petals have a diameter of about one centimeter. There are five sepals present. The five free petals are white or pale pink. The most twenty purple, hairy stamens are fused at their base. Red or black, apple -shaped fruits have a diameter of 5 to 12 mm.


  • Woolly chokeberry (Aronia arbutifolia )
  • Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa ), also Kahle apple berry or black mountain ash
  • Pflaumenblättrige chokeberry (Aronia × prunifolia )




Habit, fruits and leaves

