Arturo Riccardi

Arturo Riccardi ( born October 30, 1878 in Saluzzo, † December 20, 1966 in Rome ) was an Italian admiral and secretary of state.

Riccardi was in December 1940 successor of Admiral Domenico Cavagnari in the post of Chief of Staff of the Italian Navy and as Secretary of State in the " Navy Department ". Da Benito Mussolini was also formally " Armed Forces Minister ," led the Secretaries of State de facto continuing ministries of war, aviation and marine. These secretaries were also chiefs of staff of their armed forces. Riccardi had his offices to give up when the fascist regime was replaced in the summer of 1943 by the new Badoglio government. He was succeeded by Raffaele de Courten, who led the Navy Department again as a minister. After 1945 it became part of the new Department of Defense.
