Ashesi University

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The Ashesi University College (German Ashesi University ) (abbreviated AUC) in Labone, a suburb of Accra is a University College, which is the University of Cape Coast connected. The name Ashesi is borrowed from the language of the Akan and means beginning. It should represent the beginning of a new approach to education in the Ghanaian university education.


In 2002, only 30 students were studying at the university. This number then increased in 2003 to 60 students in 2004 to 136 in 2005 and to 218 in 2006 to 280 students. Among the students, the proportion of female students from initial 27 percent increased steadily to currently 40 percent of the total. Students come not only from Ghana but from Benin, Cote d' Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Nigeria, Palestine, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Togo and the United States.


At the Ashesi University students can take degrees in Business Administration, Computer Science and Management / Information Sciences. The University also compiles a wide range of courses in the fields of African studies and the liberal arts (English Liberal Arts Core ) are available.

Pictures of Ashesi University
