Asima Chatterjee

Asima Chatterjee ( born September 23, 1917 in Calcutta, † November 22, 2006 in Calcutta) was an Indian chemist.


After leaving school in Calcutta Asima Chatterjee studied at the University of Calcutta chemistry and received her degree. She got her PhD in 1944. In Wisconsin it was 1947/48 post- doctoral student, 1948/49, with László Zechmeister at the California Institute of Technology, 1949/50, with Paul Karrer University of Zurich. In addition, it was from 1940 also in the doctrine operates in Calcutta, where she was a professor in 1962.

Mainly, they did research on alkaloids, polyphenols and terpenoids. Her work on alkaloids of the genera Kopsia, Rauwolfia and evergreens were internationally respected. She has won many awards.
