Atari Democrat

Atari Democrat ( German: Atari Democrat ) is a composite of the brand name Atari Democrat and as a designation of members of the Democratic Party in the United States. The term was used in the 1980s by U.S. media and designated individual Democratic politicians that maintain American leadership in technology with high-tech solutions and wanted to providing jobs in the United States.

They sat there on the classic big - laboratory - wing and left -union and social policy-oriented party flows. Critics saw the political movement as a " soft-focus version of" Reaganomics and neo-liberalism in the left bearing and pointed to the potential economic conflicts of interest. Known representatives were, among others, Paul Tsongas, Gary Hart and Al Gore.

The term was coined in 1984 by Philadelphia Inquirer, among others. According to the Inquirer, the term emerged since 1982 to New York, Business Week, Fortune, Time Magazine and the Wall Street Journal. "1989 named the New York Times with the term young moderate Democrats, the investment in high technology as a contemporary equivalent considered the New Deal. in German the term Atari Democrat is rarely used. He found, among other 1984 reports of the news magazines mirror and profile in the context of Gary Hart and in the press in a translation by Michael Boskin use.

Pictures of Atari Democrat
